dihidupkan api,
Lantas ia
menerangi segenap ruang,
adakah ianya akan kekal? Tidak.
dibiarkan makin ia mengecil,
dibiarkan makin hilang sinarnya,
padam lalu menjadi gelap gelita.
Trust is
same like a candle...
Once we
betrayed the others’ trust,
It is same
like we put a fire towards the candle,
The candle
will become short just after and after,
At last, it
will disappear ,
And no one
will believe again to us.
Our IMAN and
deen is like a burning candle,
Use it as
the guidance in our life,
The candle
become short by time,
If we don’t
renew it with the new one,
It also will
disappear and no more light to guide us,
we’ll lose our direction,
And even our
goals and visions.
There are
many things that Allah created for us as human beings to take many “ibrah” from
HIS creation. This is one of the ways of our creator shows HIS love to HIS
creation. But, only a few people, only a SMALL GROUP of people feel very grateful
what Allah Azza Wa Jalla had granted to us. How many people, even me also, do
really follow the command of Allah swt? How many people do really leave the
things which are prohibited by Allah swt? However, many people love to sigh,
even dare to blame Allah swt when we prayed to Allah swt and our wishes still
do not become true...
Who are we? What is the position of us next to Allah swt?
Lets we seek for the answers deep in our hearts by checking our IMAN and AMAL..
wallahhu’alam J
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